For Orgs

Sikh Family Center trains organizations, individuals, and community groups on fostering personal and organizational change as well as promoting healthy transformations we all wish to see in our communities, systems, and the broader world.

We are happy to schedule a free 30-minute Introduction to Sikh Family Center.

Some of Our Trainings & Workshops Include:

  • Cultural Humility Training Bias and Privilege Training
  • Language Access: Literal Translation and Beyond Danger and Lethality Factors for Cultural Groups, by Cultural Groups: The Sikh Danger Assessment, A Case Study
  • Nurturing Community Care: circles for staff and/or volunteers (monthly/quarterly)
  • Doing No (More) Harm: How to Respond to Those Who Share Their Hurt
  • Vicarious Trauma and Vicarious Resilience
  • Transformation Starts at Home: Protocols to Address Power and Control Dynamics in Our Orgs Creating a Policy of Equity and Non-Discrimination in Your Organization
  • Youth-Focused Prevention Workshops
    • Sehj Series Workshop 1: Conversations on Boundaries, Consent and Relationships
    • Sehj Series Workshop 2: Conversations on Communication, Self-Awareness and Relationships


We have worked hard to develop an accessible pricing model tailored to the communities we serve, factoring in organizational size and budget. Please fill out the below form and contact us to learn more.
For those unable to pay the fee for our services, we want to emphasize that we are still deeply invested in working together and supporting each other. Your financial situation should not be a barrier to accessing the resources and support you need.

We welcome the opportunity to work with organizations within and outside the Sikh community.

Please note “Sikh” refers to a faith-community, but we are not a “Religious” organization, as understood in western culture. Sikhs are a people, a culture, and Sikh Family Center reflects and serves a very diverse community. Our services never discriminate on the basis of perceived or actual religiosity, or against people of any or no faith.

Sikh Family Center Outreach, Training & Technical Assistance Request Form

We are happy to receive requests for public events, facilitation of teams/sangat discussions, educational workshops (e.g., on consent; on trauma; on intergenerational healing), internal trainings for orgs or gurdwaras, and/or other technical assistance. We will do our very best to meet your needs, but please note we are a small (though energized!) team.

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